This information is strictly my opinion based on my experience. I recognize that there may not be any science or research evidence to base this information on other than as clearly stated as a fact.
I felt it was important to share information about reviewing and why it seems I can get many of the things I want for review purposes. You've got to have good grammar. You've got to be informative. You've got to make your review stand out from the other several hundred that will be posted as well. Those who know me, tend to know, I march at the beat of my own drum, so the last one was not all that difficult for me.
I've also learned the importance of Amazon ranking in the review world. Two months ago from tomorrow (Sept 13th), I began documenting my Amazon ranking in my Excel spreadsheet that I keep my review information but on a seperate tab. I've seen myself rating cut itself in half, since reviewing much more serious and beginning this blog as well as doing more video and picture reviews.
Fact: I do not video or picture review everything.
Fact: I do not have special equipment to photograph, video, or edit for Amazon.
Fact: I do not fully understand how reviewer rank works. It does not appear to be a simple math formula, but more complex based on % and amount of reviews and helpful reviews combined.
Regardless, I'm happy to see my rank go higher and would love to eventually be an Amazon Vine Reviewer. Don't know about the Vine Reviewer program? Click my link!
Let's just say even without being a Vine Reviewer, I'm shooting for top 10.000 reviewer and I'm more than half way to this goal! I look twice a week at my ranking and I've seen it go up, but I've seen it go down (by thousands over a few days). Nonetheless, I'm going to keep swimming!
With that being said... I continue to make improvements including changing the font on this page and utilizing other social media more in my reviews. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DaNetJunkie. I make no promises or guarantees of using this page frequently, but I'm working on it!
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