I'm just learning more about the benefits of product reviews and have done an update on my initial review on the Amazon Fire.
It was nearly 4 months ago when I had to opportunity to order my Amazon Fire! What is Amazon Fire - you ask. It is a multimedia device that allows you to access Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime movies and more.
It's Roku, it's Chromecast, it's Apple TV, but it's not. I am not here to speak to the differences in these products, for that you can go to CNET or Forbes or google. So why did I purchase one? In all actuality, I did not purchase it; I received it free with a 3 month subscription to Sling TV which I was going to pay for anyways. So onward I went with paying 3 months up front (after my free trial) to get this device to try it out and I fell in love. I knew it would let me more easily watch Sling TV from my TV without having to hook up a laptop or tablet to yet another cord. But what I didn't realize, is how fun it was to connect my phone, how easy it was to stream music through it (like bluetooth to a speaker), how nice it was to not have to log into my Amazon account each time I want to watch something on Amazon Prime (as I do on my BluRay player). I feel like my Amazon Fire is singing, "Anything you can do, I can do better" to my BluRay player (which nonetheless, I love as well). I had an instance love love relationship with my Fire, but didn't know how to explain the things I enjoyed about it until now. This is my first media device so I have nothing to compare it to. Though I would also love to review the Roku, Chromecast, and Apple TV if given the opportunity.
So as I updated this review, I got the "brilliant" idea to try this out with my less than 2 week old Lenovo laptop (maybe another review for later). Join me as I test out Amazon Fire with my Lenovo laptop for the first time in the near future.
The offer (free Fire with 3 months Sling TV) appears to be back for an unknown amount of time. For less than you probably pay for your Friday night dine out dinner, you also have Sling TV with a free Amazon Fire. You can even try it for 7 days first to see if Sling TV is for you.
In my adult life, I have only ever paid one year of cable TV. It's not that I don't like TV or cable TV for that matter. It's that I don't like paying the premium price for something that I don't always use and really is a bit overwhelming with a multitude of channels. Sling TV is simple, limited, and cable and partial DVR in one. I can't ask for too much more!
So where do I rate Amazon Fire? I give it
It's the coolest thing since banana bread! But for me, it all comes down to three simple things:
1) It takes not space
2) It didn't cost an excessive amount of money
3) It works!
And where does Sling TV line up in the "cutting the cord" world? Let's just say I'm pretty banana over it. Maybe 4 1/2 bananas. The ability to legally watch TV without having to pay upwards of $70 to do so. It has all the channels I desire (less the Game Show Network) for $20. But it still has its kinks and qwerks to work out, preventing it from having a full 5 bananas.
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