I was given the opportunity to try the Wonder Veg Spiralizer Slicer in exchange for my honest and unbiased feedback. I have had the opportunity to try just short of a half dozen or so spiralizers, but this is the first one that I have tried that is not a handheld kitchen gadget. This one goes on the counter and has a crank like handle to turn.
What did I LOVE?
This thing is generally easy to use and by easy, I mean, I used it mostly with one hand. But I would like to point out that it is also safe. No worries about the possibility of accidentally putting your hand in where the blade goes. It just isn't designed where that is even a possibility. It also has 3 blades, so you can choose what you want to do. Small, large, mini cuts.
The things I didn't like?
- The blade storage. It's on the back. It's just not convenient. Hidden? Yes. Convenient? Nope!
- It was also a little difficult to get started. I had to crank the handle a few times before I was sure 1) that I was doing it 100% correct and 2) it showed any signs of production.
But despite the couple of challenges, this product left a very positive impression on me. Because it was safe, because it was stable when suctioned to the counter, because it was just so easy to use, and because it doesn't just spiral with the default setting - but is versatile. Because of the combination of these things, I give it 

! It truly does deserve it's 5 bananas!
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